Be Featured in the GEM Crystal. Here's How:
1. Read this page in it's entirety
2. Answer five questions
3. Submit three photos
4.Email your responses to us
It's that simple*.
Geek Estate is a resource for the industry’s technologists and forward-thinking real estate professionals. If you’re involved in real estate and consider yourself a geek, you’re in the right spot. We’ve found over the years that one primary reason people visit our sites is to find out who the industry players are, their backgrounds and what they are working on. We’ve featured a number of founders/entrepreneurs/execs (see here for full archives), and plan to continue highlighting the people behind the great, innovative products and companies in this industry.
Geek Estate’s “business” is helping members of the GEM succeed, and this publication is not run by journalists. With that said, our founder /exec interview series is the easy way for any real estate technology company to reach Geek Estate Blog’s audience once.
Interested? Please send the following items to Community @ geekestate dot com.
1. Answers to the following 5 questions:
(please ensure answers are written from the 1st person. These are founders/exec interviews, not the company marketing line)
- Who are you and what do you do?
- What problem does your product/service solve?
- What are you most excited about right now?
- What’s next for you?
- What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why? (This question is meant to highlight something OUTSIDE of your business — not just be another pitch as to why you care about your company’s mission. What’s a charity or social issue you care about?)
2. Company logo
3. Headshot
4. One product screenshot (we may or may not include this in the post)
Not all submissions will be published. The product needs to be relevant to our audience with a viable business model. You need to be serious about continuing to support your products and concepts for the long term. And, the founder must be either a or GEM Diamond or Crystal member to be profiled