Proptech Highlight: A Blanket Solution for a Nuanced Problem (Newsletter #265)

In this Transmission, we explore how Blanket's property management dashboard is being leveraged to build an off-market brokerage platform for property managers to help retain their doors under management.
Trust me, it makes more sense as we get into it. -DM
Keep your doors under management. It’s a simple value proposition sure to resonate with every property manager and investor.
If the number of doors under management stays the same or goes up, all is good.
If it goes down, well, that’s money out the door.
A new company called Blanket struck a chord with me. It’s a property retention platform.
The core of the product is an investment dashboard providing investors “performance metrics and up-to-the-moment visibility into their portfolio.” Net cash flow, monthly expenses, and even total equity are laid out in a simple dashboard. The gravy is the total estimated portfolio value.
Make sense out of properties. Not make spreadsheets out of properties.
All white labeled.
Eliminate the 30% churn. What property manager wouldn’t love that?
One of the biggest reasons for churn is the sale of a property. New owners invariably install a new property manager who they trust. Or, they simply turn it into a DIY rental. Which leads to the really interesting part of Blanket’s business: Transferring doors within its network of investors.
Blanket’s Owner Marketplace is “a turn-key brokerage built on [a property manager’s] existing property network.”