About GEM Crystal
\An objective lens into the trends, companies, people, and ideas shaping real estate technology and the broader Built World. Relentlessly independent, we say what no one else will and imagine possibilities years or even decades into the future.
The Email Newsletter for Proptech
The GEM Crystal is a paid newsletter offering a curated selection of industry developments, outside-the-box thinking, thought-provoking long-form essays, and a quarterly earnings radar to keep tabs on late stage players operating in the public markets.
The culmination of more than fifteen years of learning, building, and networking within the proptech ecosystem, we live and breathe the intersection of technology and real estate.
Commentary covers a range of tech related to real estate and the Built World.
Tiers of GEM
Crystal is our content-only subscription, but we also offer Diamond subscriptions for those who want a community of peers as a support network, deeper business intelligence, and in-person networking opportunities.

Newsletters You'll Recieve With a Paid GEM Crystal Subscription
Weekly Radars (4x per month):
A curated digest of real estate, startups, and built world links & analysis blended with out-of-the-box ideas.
February 2024 Radar
Bi-Weekly Transmissions (2x per month):
Thought-provoking long-form articles covering a wide spectrum of topics, from innovative shipping container co-living spaces to the battle for listing acquisition in the first iBuyer world war to the implications of floating cities seen from beaches far and wide.
The Sexy Tortoise // Looking Forward to 2023
Proptech Earnings Radar (1x per quarter):
A synthesis of the most relevant topline information from the sector's financial reports and balance sheets.
2023 Q3 Earnings Radar
By signing up, you'll get access to the full archive of everything that's been published before and everything that's still to come. Your very own private proptech library.
Who Should Subscribe?
From our State of the GEM 2024, the GEM serves individuals from a broad range of sectors:

Understand what tech trends, companies, and business models are coming around the bend that might impact your business. Gain conversation starters to discuss in internal product and strategy meetings.
Venture Investors and Angels
Conduct due diligence and market research to ensure you’re making the right investments. Gain inspiration to find the next big trend to double down on.
Employees of Proptech Startups
Keep up with your competition as well as learn where the industry is headed.
Real Estate Agents and Brokers
Your job is to sell real estate, but tech innovations will impact your future business. Don't operate with your head in the sand.
Real Estate Investors (CRE and Resi)
Follow changing legislation, trends, and tech that can increase returns and efficiencies in your business.
Educators and Researchers
Keep your class material current to provide the most up-to-date information for your classes or research.
General Enthusiasts
Be inspired about the future and understand why things are happening the way they are.
In short, anyone with an intellectual curiosity for where real estate and the Built World intersect with technology.
We’re in a golden age of proptech, with new innovations happening every week. It's our belief that this is one of the most exciting industries to follow (and, you should too).
GEM= Geek Estate Mastermind
Background (click on me!)
Our Founder, Drew Meyers started objectively covering the proptech industry back in 2007 via the Geek Estate Blog with a mission to make real estate, financial independence, and home ownership more accessible using technology.
Ten years later in 2017, Drew, created a private networking group for the entrepreneurs, investors and other practitioners changing the real estate landscape through technology. As a member benefit, he started sending email newsletters with insights and industry news.